В поисках подходящих картин наткнулась на творчество удивительной художницы Софи Гриотто. Сами понимаете, что обойти ее и не порадовать симов такой красотой я не могла. Поэтому встречайте 3 сета постеров Софи Гриотто. Приятного просмотра!
In search of suitable pictures came across the amazing creativity of the artist Sophie Griotto. You understand that to get around it, and not gladden sims such beauty I could not. So please do 3 sets of posters Sophie Griotto. Enjoy!
In search of suitable pictures came across the amazing creativity of the artist Sophie Griotto. You understand that to get around it, and not gladden sims such beauty I could not. So please do 3 sets of posters Sophie Griotto. Enjoy!